Friday, October 31, 2014

I Will Never: Get a tattoo... on my face

When it comes to getting a tattoo, most people get one because it's meaningful to them. If I were to ever get a tattoo (and lets be real, I'm terrified of needles so probably not) I would want it to be special or have some kind of meaning behind it.

I'm going to travel the world so I love the idea of an airplane tattoo

This one is cute too

I'm feeling wanderlust

Hello, my name is Sierra and I'm a coffee addict

Promises mean everything to me

Some might get tatted for reasons such as gangs, to cover scar tissue or to make some money off of it. You would be surprised but people are willing to sell their bodies for advertising space. An online casino paid a Utah woman $10,000 to tattoo their logo on her forehead.

"I really like your tattoo" - said no one ever

Money doesn't grow on trees


I think it really brings out his eyes

That's one way to tattoo your eyebrows on

Probably one of those "It was a good idea at the time" moments

Take him home to meet your parents

Instantly regrettable

I just don't understand it. And will never ever get tattoos on my face.

#tattoos #neverever #anti #bucketlist #idiot

So, what about you? What's on your Anti-Bucket List?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

I Will Never: Be a Nurse or a Doctor

Let's face it, becoming a doctor is not an easy task. School and training go on forever and once you finally finish that you're challenged with making life-and-death decisions and long work hours every single day. Sure the paycheck is nice, but after all your student loans are you still left with much?

 That's one of my reasons why I don't want to go into the medical field. Don't get me wrong, it's an incredible job and very rewarding but it's just not something I could ever do. I also have this fear of blood, throw up, needles, and death. 

I'm a squeamish person and am easily grossed out. I once went into the doctors office to get an allergy shot and I passed out when the doctor walked into the room with needle in hand. And no, not every doctor looks like McDreamy or McSteamy from Greys. I of course get stuck with an old dude with gray hair. 

 I've suddenly forgot how to breathe

This is pretty close to how it went 'down'

Not to mention the smell of hospitals and how depressing they are. The only words I can think to describe the smell is sickness and old people. Yeah, definitely not a place I want to spend a 12 hour shift or really anytime for that matter. 

#ebola #squeamish #greys #fainting

Monday, October 6, 2014

I Will Never: Be Shark Bait

I would like to think of myself as an adventurous person… sometimes. Sure I like to have fun with friends and experience new things, but doesn’t it also sound nice staying home, in sweats and eat peanut butter right out of the jar?

Thanks to Hello Giggles for this gif

When I think of the word adventure what comes to mind is something fun you experience with friends. When some people think of the word they think about getting out of their comfort zone and initially putting their life in danger. That’s basically why YOLO was created, right?

 On some peoples bucket list they have swimming with sharks – ARE YOU CRAZY?!

Whether you want to dive right into the shark infested waters, or do it in a cage then you have one brave soul.  I just don't understand the logic behind that thought. Yeah, okay, lets just put me in this cage and sink me down into the water and see if a shark can get me. That sounds great. And despite how Finding Nemo portrays the sharks to be, they really are not friendly. They will try to eat you and you will die. So yeah, no thanks.

I might be more tempted to swim with sharks if they looked like this. MIGHT.
Sharks with human choppers